Signs Your Commercial Refrigerator Needs Repair

If your commercial refrigerator needs repairs, you need to have the work done as soon as possible. Getting commercial refrigerator repairs is the best way to keep your valuable appliance running well and will ensure your investment is protected for years to come.

Do your part to ensure the longevity of your commercial refrigerator by knowing the signs you need commercial refrigerator repairs. If you catch repair needs early, you can save money on the repairs and avoid having to replace your commercial refrigerator. If your appliance is under warranty, check the warranty to see if needed repairs may be covered.

1. Your refrigerator is cooling unevenly

A commercial refrigerator should cool things evenly and keep items very cold but not frozen. If there is an inconsistency in the cooling abilities of your commercial refrigerator, commercial refrigerator repair may be needed. For example, if the items on upper shelves are cool but not cold but items on lower shelves are frozen, then uneven dispersing of cooling or a sealing issue may be going on. Hire a commercial refrigerator repair service technician to have the appliance inspected to see what repairs are needed.

2. Your shelves are missing, loose, or breaking

Perhaps the biggest difference between a commercial refrigerator and a residential one is this: the way the appliance is set up. With a commercial refrigerator, the shelving units are key. If the shelves are missing, loose, have cracks in them, or they are broken and not helping you stay organized in your refrigerator, it's time to call for commercial refrigerator repairs.

3. Your energy bill is going up

The more your commercial refrigerator needs repairs, the more the unit will start to eat up electricity as part of its regular use. You'll likely notice that your commercial refrigerator turns on and off more frequently and seems to operate more roughly than before in addition to seeing your energy bill go up. Have your commercial refrigerator repair service inspect the unit before it costs you more money in energy bills or fails to work completely.

Emergency commercial refrigerator repair can carry additional repair costs for the service call, so keep this in mind when you schedule your appliance repair project. if your refrigerator is overheating or the plug is hot or melting, call for emergency services right away and discontinue use of the appliance until you get a specialist to look at it. If you have a current warranty on your appliance, costs may be partly or fully covered.
